Schedule of Class Sessions.


Note: topics are subject to change.


Text. Peter Clarke, Hope and Glory.




23. Introduction to Great Britain and the British Constitution, Clarke 1

25. Religion and Politics

30. Economics and Social Class  


01. The Empire

06. Socialism and the Liberal Revival

08. Liberal Triumph: Peers vs. the People, Clarke, 2

13. Discussion: A Passage to India

15. The Strange Death of Liberal England

20. The Outbreak of World War I

22. World War I. Clarke, 3

27. War’s End: The Versailles Treaty and Irish Civil War. Clarke 4.

28. Married Love


04. The Decline of the Liberal Party and the Great Depression. Clarke 5.

06. Discussion of the Road to Wigan Pier

11. Mid-Term Exam

13. Abdication and Appeasement

18. Triumph of Churchill and the Battle of Britain

20. Defeating Hitler

25. The Home Front. Clarke, 6

27. Socialists in Power. Clarke, 7


 01. Decolonization: India and Africa

 03. Prosperity: the 1950s. Clarke, 8

 08. The Swinging Sixties: Beyond the Fringe

10. Labour’s Revival: The White Heat of Technology

15. The British Disease. Clarke 10

17. Discussion of Small Island (bring to class a question for discussion on 3x5 card)

Thanksgiving Week

29. The Triumph of Margaret Thatcher


01. The Rise of New Labour: Socialism Abandoned

06. Multi-Racial Britain in the European Union

 08. Brexit!: In Europe or Not? Review for Final Exam.

14. Final Exam. Wednesday, 8-10 PM. 71 SH.