Kelmscott Press      1-16 | 17-32 | 33-41

hollyer_morris1870 landdjasontitle designhillvenus designhillvenus2
William Morris
Frederick Hollyer
Frontispiece Jason
Design for Hill of Venus
c. 1870
Design for Hill of Venus
c. 1870
designhillvenus3 designhillvenus4 designhillvenus5 designhillvenus6
Design for Hill of Venus
c. 1870
Design for Hill of Venus
c. 1870
Design for Hill of Venus
c. 1870
Design for Hill of Venus
c. 1870
troywalker1891 punchtroygoldenchaucer glitteringplain05081891 colophonkelmscott
Experimental Model for Troy type
Kelmscott Press
Punch - Troy, Golden, Chaucer The Story of the Glittering Plain
April 8 1891
William Morris
Colophon for Kelmscott press
lovelyrics02271892 glitteringplain02171894 wellworldsend06041896 septemberlyric
The Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus
February 27 1892
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Kelscott Press
The Story of the Glittering Plain or the Land of Living Men
February 17 1894
William Morris (illustrations by Walter Crane)
Kelmscott Press Five pounds 5 shillings
Well at the World's End
June 4 1896
William Morris
Kelmscott Press
The Earthly Paradise

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