Did you ever have an idea that could make life better?

After Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh inspired students at the University of Iowa with his revitalization of downtown Las Vegas, University of Iowa Associate Director, David Gould created a course built on the idea undergraduates could offer a unique generational voice to Tony's project. Dubbed "Reimagining Downtown," the course is designed to arm fourteen innovative students with the mentors and initial resources to take their creative ideas and help build downtown Las Vegas into, as Tony says, "the most community-focused large city in the world."

The overall initiative is known as the Downtown Project, and it's already seen a host of successes: new professional start-ups, businesses and organizations have flocked to the area. Business Insider says, "[t]here is nothing like it on this scale in the US." But college students?

That’s where we come in. We are fundraising to help us cover incidental project research and development for our contribution; the cost of the project itself is covered, though any money beyond research and development can go into making our project bigger and better. While we have to do more investigation before we pick one of our meaningful ideas, we can promise our goal will never change: to help build the downtown Las Vegas community in a unique and charming way. So anyone who helps us in turn helps the Downtown Project. And, working in a community where even the smallest people can make a difference, we believe the smallest donation can, too.

Thank you! – The Reimagining Downtown Students

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