David Cunning

Associate Professor of Philosophy

The University of Iowa




250 English-Philosophy Bldg.

Voice: (319) 335-0027
Fax: (319) 353-2322






Hi.  I am a philosophy professor at the University of Iowa.  My research and teaching interests include the history of the mind-body problem, the methods of rationalism, free will and determinism, agency, and existentialism.  I am currently working on a book-length study of the philosophy of the 17th-Century philosopher and scientist, Margaret Cavendish.  She defends the view that the bodies that surround us, and the bodies that compose us, are sophisticated and intelligent.  Then she proceeds to develop a number of compelling theses about freedom, agency, and obligation.  I am also working on some freestanding papers on Spinoza's monism and pan-psychism.

I received my B.A. in Philosophy from UC Berkeley and my Ph.D. from UC Irvine.





1. Argument and Persuasion in Descartes' Meditations, Oxford University Press (2010), 248 pp.

2. Editor, The Cambridge Companion to Descartes' Meditations, Cambridge University Press (2014), 336 pp.

3. Everyday Examples, Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, (2015), 312 pp.

4. Cavendish, in the series The Arguments of the Philosophers, Routledge (forthcoming 2015)


Articles and Reviews

Below are some links to materials that might be useful.


ICON course site  
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy  


Page updated 29 October 2013.